Faces of Edinburgh Book


Amberley Publishing, London, United Kingdom, March 2017.

ISBN 978-1445659770.

“Scotland’s capital, one of Europe’s most beautiful cities, has long been a magnet for visitors who come here in their droves to witness its spectacular setting and unique atmosphere, especially in July and August when it plays host to the world’s biggest arts festival. Professional photographer Manel Quiros has made the city his home and knows its nooks and crannies: the elegant New Town streets and squares, the dark, murky Old Town wynds and alleyways.

Charged with capturing the essence of Edinburgh, Manel Quiros has turned his camera on its inhabitants, the people who make the city what it is today. These are the people you’ll find in these pages – the shopkeepers, schoolteachers, businessmen and women, pub landlords, restaurant owners, students, and street performers, all of them taking pleasure in being a part of this special place and sharing their stories.”

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